RI is leading in Blended Learning
.@tvanderark: This approach is the most innovative planning process I’ve seen from a state or district http://t.co/DahRFWQ5QY @LearningAccel
.@tvanderark: This approach is the most innovative planning process I’ve seen from a state or district http://t.co/DahRFWQ5QY @LearningAccel
RT @ShawnCRubin “Have you read @HighlanderInst’s White Paper on improving district supports for #BlendeLearning? ” http://t.co/4kgXczwn4h
Thanks to the students @ RWMS for making a difference and talking about the importance of fixing our schools http://t.co/imBpVjLYBZ
RT @roshnimirchi “Save the Date! Last #EdTechRI Meetup of the year on Thurs. May 21st, 4-6 pm! Registration coming soon. #edchatri #FuseRI”
RT @Learning401 “#EdVoicesRI give every #RI student a great education. How? Inclusion + Iteration. #edchat #edchatri…
Thanks all #BWDLT members, excited to see what you will create!! And I’ve already heard of one Chromebook initiative–I hope they keep coming!
And we have a tag! #BWDLT
RT @EGHSPrincipalRI ” Google Chrome stick that turns any display into a PC http://t.co/c8HWgOIT2I #edtech #fuseri” http://t.co/L40OAFbNLv
RT @SchellerCynthia “How do we integrate project based learning and blended learning? Let’s explore the possibilities! #HIBLC15”
Mr. Driscoll’s presentation was one of my first exposures to Blended Learning. Tom’s ability to gamify the classroom while hitting all the right standards is impressive, and I hope it influences others as much as it impacted my teaching. RT @Mr_Driscoll “Flipped Mastery Presentation & Resources from #HIBLC15 …” http://t.co/F0X4yWd6Pi and http://www.flipped-history.com/